7 Reasons to Add Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Your Dog's Diet

February 13, 2023

7 Reasons to Add Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Your Dog's Diet

7 Reasons To Add Extra Virgin Olive Oil To Your Dog’s Diet

NOTE: Always consult your veterinarian when considering adding anything to the diet of your furry friend, but a rough estimate would be about a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil per 30 pounds of bodyweight. See Can Dogs Have Olive Oil? for more details. Also, check out this recipe for Olive Oil Dog Biscuits.

1. It helps the eater lose weight

Whether canine or human, if there are some unwanted pounds that need shedding, olive oil will help grease the weight-loss engine. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil actually encourage pound-melting by breaking down the fat inside fat cells, to get rid of belly fat and reduce insulin sensitivity.

2. It promotes optimal health

Rich in monounsaturated fats, olive oil prevents and lessens the effects of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It contains oleic acid, in addition to some compounds (squalene and terpenoids) that are believed to be effective in preventing cancer, which kills a staggering 50 percent of dogs over age 10.

3. It defends the immune system which may extend canine longevity

With high levels of antioxidants including polyphenols, vitamin E, and carotenoids, olive oil is very effective at arming the body's immune system so it can efficiently fight off disease. Olive oil prevents free radical cell oxidation which can lead to premature aging, this is especially important as canines’ transition from one season to another.

4. It’s a brain food

Olive oil helps prevent the cognitive decline associated with aging in all species, so be sure to serve it to senior dogs at least once daily, to keep their minds sharp and cloud-free.

5. It provides an energy boost

Olive oil can help improve canine circulation as well! Circulation improves, and breathing comes more easily with a daily dose of olive oil -- it helps increase blood flow and in humans, lessens the effects of asthma. It can be of particular benefit to breeds such as the Bulldog who sometimes struggle to breathe.

6. It’s a beauty treatment

Long used to beautify human hair and skin, olive oil can do the same for canines. Condition your dog's coat from the inside out with a daily serving, which helps to impart moisture and gleam to even the driest, dullest fur.

7. It’s good for maintaining joint and bone health

Many dogs develop arthritis as they age. As an anti-inflammatory, regular doses of olive oil in a dog’s diet can help reduce the amount of pain and stiffness that an aging dog feels. The omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil can aid in joint lubrication as well. Additionally, it’s a safe and economical alternative to many drug therapies.

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